Monday, February 28, 2011

Little Joe II - Disaster: A botched paint job!

Well sometimes things just don't go right and this was one of those times. When I went to go and spray the Testor's Chrome paint onto the lower part of the booster, the paint came out ALOT heavier than I was expecting and I ended up with runs everywhere and no visible detail showing on the wrap. So I attempted to get most of the paint off with thinner. Unfortunately, the thinner disolved the waxy coating on the wrap and the fibers of the paper started to become visible in places.

After removing the initial "heavy" coat, I attempted to repaint it with very light misting coats, but that just resulted in the "orange peel" effect you see in the pictures.

So now I have ordered a new body tube from SEMROC and I've purchased some corrugated sheet styrene and some styrene strips in an attempt to re-build the booster. Next time around, I'll be using Alclad and an airbrush.

Besides the Capsule and Escape tower, I never installed the engine mount, so that's safe. Also as can be seen in the above photo, I was able to salvage the fins.

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