Another piece that we postponed until after final paint, the antennae assembly goes on the tail as shown above. What I didn't get a picture of was that when I did the final paint, I had the area where this antennae assembly glues onto the fin masked off. Before glueing I masked off the area around where this glues on and and sanded all the way down to bare wood to make sure the glue joint was strong. I like the effect given by the "solid" sensor housing rather the stock "open" look.
Next up, we glue our warp engine domes in place. Once again, I had the front cardstock discs masked off so the glue joint would be paper to wood. Also prior to glueing, I "scuffed" waxy outer coat off of the cardstock disc.
Here's the result. As you can see it's not a perfect fit, but I do like it better than the flat discs that came in the kit. Just looks more like old "Star Trek" to me!
Our last painting step (other than final clear coat) is painting the rear panels on each engine dark grey. For this, I used the same color as the sensor housing which is the dark grey Ultra Cover Primer from step 8.5.
That completes major construction. The only thing left is installing the recovery ssystem which we will do last.
Now we're ready for decals...
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